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Ready to step forward into an incredible transformation, and to come out of it with a whole new brand AND the wings to fly?

It all starts with a FREE assessment call!

I’ll listen and ask questions to figure out where you are on your brand growth journey and how you fit into my universe of brand-building, brand design services.

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these are the 3 MAJOR brand-growth milestones
Click to learn all about them:

purpose-fueled branding changes lives... and you don't have to take my word for it!

"I just want to say thank you for giving me the space to handle my own freak outs and teaching me how to take your genius and gifts and make them work for me."
"I just want to say thank you for giving me the space to handle my own freak outs and teaching me how to take your genius and gifts and make them work for me."
"I love how you really do create a map. It's a visual representation of all that lives inside the brand. And a reminder that there is always so much under the surface."
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Get a taste of
what's on my brand design menu:

The Main Menu

Coming into Alignment:

Finding YOU in your brand


Designing Your WHOLE Brand, from the Inside Out

Brand Design:

Your BRAND's Visual Identity

Quick-fix branding services
These quick-fix branding services are great for when what you have for your brand is actively holding you back and keeping you stuck, but you've still got growing to do, so you're not ready for a BIG re-brand.

Brand alignment

Support, Growth, and Clarity in easy, consistent, single-session bites.

Bridge-the-Gap branding
For when you DON'T like your logo and you know it's time for something new.


For when you DO like your logo, but you know you need more than a logo.

For when not having the stuff to post is keeping you from posting at all!


and all this creative magic doesn't just happen. it takes work.
take a peek inside my creative toolbox!

  • Magical Empathy
    The most important ingredient in genuine empathy is the willingness and ability to listen. What makes my empathy magical is that I can then take what I’ve heard and learned and felt with you and turn it into something visual. We chat. I ask questions. I see into your heart and into your future and we figure out what happiness and brand satisfaction would FEEL like for you. THAT is magical. And it is at the HEART of everything I do.
  • Brand Therapy
    Answering the question “what do I want?” is so hard. So hard that most of us shove that question under the rug and choose to focus on the easier stuff, like “what do other people do?” or “who can I follow or copy or emulate so I don’t have to figure this out myself?”. And that’s OK! Well, it’s ok for a while. Following in other people’s footsteps is a great way to get you started. But real brand growth happens when you face your fears and answer the hard question. So… what DO you want?? I use art therapy and brand defining exercises to create a safe, constructive space for you to find your answer.
  • Brand Strategy
    It’s one thing to feel all the feelings (which we absolutely will do), but then how do we take all that introspection and realization and turn it into something productive? Strategy. That’s how. And I don’t mean marketing strategy or business strategy, I mean BRAND strategy. The high-level, happiness-based, big picture stuff that will make all the other kinds of strategy easier, because once we get through this step you’ll know what your brand is actually about, what the work you do means, and the vision for how your brand is going to grow right along with you in the future.
  • Flexibility & Patience
    There is no hard and fast timeline on this stuff. Which can be frustrating… but also SUPER freeing… Think of it this way: what happens if you’re working with a designer and half way through the process you realize you make a mistake way back at the start? How can you be 100% sure you know what you want out of a brand design update when you don’t even know what you want out of LIFE, yet?? That’s a HUGE amount of pressure and responsibility placed squarely on your business-owner shoulders. But not with me. With me, everyone’s path looks different. Sometimes you need to take a handful of steps in one direction just to see what you DON’T want. So no pressure. The finish line is going to be beautiful no matter what, so it’s ok if we have to take a couple detours and wrong turns to get there.
  • Mini-Mood Boards
    We all know what a “mood board” is right…? A collection of pictures/images/things that are supposed to make you feel something? Maybe bring some clarity? Yes. But… what if you’re not visual in that specific way? What if you look at 3 or 10 or 100 pictures all together and DON’T see how they’re all connected? That’s a bunch of wasted time and effort for something that’s not actually going to help you make a decision. So let’s take this one image at a time. I call them mini-mood boards, but really, we just get to go through a bunch of images and pictures and creative, fun stuff and figure them all out together.
  • Brand Stylescapes
    This. Is. Big. Stylescapes are a super fancy brand-designer-industry secret and they are MADE OF MAGIC. Once we’ve worked through all the emotional stuff and talked through the strategy/moody stuff, and even gone through the sketching process to start to make this new brand of yours tangible and real… THAT’S when stylescapes come in. At this point we’re typically narrowed down to 3-4 top contenders for your new logo and, in stead of me just saying “pick one!”, I put together big, beautiful worlds of visual context to help make that VERY difficult decision WAY easier.
  • Kindness & Joy
    I am kindness embodied. I believe in joy as a life-mission. And not just for me, for everyone. I started out in graphic design because I wanted to help people. After a decade of working and building and “just giving people what they want”, design-wise, I realized that the actual path to happiness starts WAY BACK before we even TOUCH the design part of branding. YOUR JOY should be at the center of the brand we’re building together. That feeling of excitement that hits you RIGHT when you get out of bed in the morning and fuels you through the days, weeks, months, years of business owning and brand growth. THAT is what we’re going for. Joy. And kindness, well… that’s the center of MY brand. That’s what brings ME joy.
  • Brand Activation
    Imagine what it would feel like to already have some of the post-rebrand to-do items crossed off the list before we’ve even finished your brand update? Feels impossible right?? Wrong. Not impossible. And very real. In the final stages of polishing up the design, we’re going to start to answer some BIG questions together. What should I do with my website? How can I show up on social? How do I update all my content to fit with the rebrand? Do I need swag? What even IS swag? You’re not going to get the WHOLE answer from me, but you’ll get a hugely productive nudge in the right direction! Your brand in the real world. Get ready, it’s amazing.
  • Training & Support
    In the past, you’ve probably worked with a designer, maybe even a brand designer. As a breed, we love to create. We love to make something from nothing and to find creative solutions to all kinds of problems. That’s all built into the designer DNA. But… what happens after all that exciting stuff is over? I used to just hand people a pack of logo files and some info on colors and fonts and call it a day. Job done, on to the next. But now? Now I know it takes SO MUCH MORE from me for a brand to actually launch into the real world. Training. Support. Retainer. Availability. Check-ins. Think of the training & support piece of all of this as being like the goodie back you get at the end of a kid’s party. It’s fun. It’s a way to keep the party going that says “I’m glad you came. Thanks for being with me. Here’s what’s next.”
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